Prayer times in New York City, United States 🇺🇸 for December 10, 2024
Namaz / Salah timetable
Day | Fajr | Shuruk | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
09, Mon | ||||||
10, Tue | ||||||
11, Wed | ||||||
12, Thu | ||||||
13, Fri | ||||||
14, Sat | ||||||
15, Sun |
Day | Fajr | Shuruk | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
01, Sun | ||||||
02, Mon | ||||||
03, Tue | ||||||
04, Wed | ||||||
05, Thu | ||||||
06, Fri | ||||||
07, Sat | ||||||
08, Sun | ||||||
09, Mon | ||||||
10, Tue | ||||||
11, Wed | ||||||
12, Thu | ||||||
13, Fri | ||||||
14, Sat | ||||||
15, Sun | ||||||
16, Mon | ||||||
17, Tue | ||||||
18, Wed | ||||||
19, Thu | ||||||
20, Fri | ||||||
21, Sat | ||||||
22, Sun | ||||||
23, Mon | ||||||
24, Tue | ||||||
25, Wed | ||||||
26, Thu | ||||||
27, Fri | ||||||
28, Sat | ||||||
29, Sun | ||||||
30, Mon | ||||||
31, Tue |
When is the Islamic prayer times today in NYC — New York City?
The schedule of Muslim prayers is calculated by the canonical formulas, taking into account the position of the sun for geographic coordinates and the time zone of New York City. The time is calculated according to Hanafi mazhab, the method of the World Islamic League.
❗️You can change the settings and set the Shafiite mazhab and the desired method of calculation. Timely performance of prayer (salah, salat, namaz) is the religious obligation of every Muslim. Muslims are obliged to perform namaz at the prescribed time and in the exact direction of the qibla.
Prayer will be accepted only if the believer understands the meaning of the spoken sura, reads it at the appointed time, with sincerity and humility. The meaningless pronunciation of letters will not help a person in any way. The Almighty said to read the Qur’an and meditate!
❗️One of the best deeds for a Muslim is a prayer read on time with humility!
If it is not possible to observe the sun and the firmament, the schedule on our website will help determine the time of morning, lunch, afternoon, evening and night prayers.
New York City Central Mosque Address and number:
Address: 1711 3rd Ave, New York, NY 10029
Number: +1 212-722-5234
Times Square New York City iftar and taraweeh 😍: