Prayer Times

Prayer times in Failsworth, United Kingdom 🇬🇧 for January 18, 2025

Ends in 01:24:12
Find the schedule of namaz for Failsworth for today, the current week and all of January 2025. The table shows the time of sunrise and the exact start time of daily prayers - morning fajr, midday zuhr, evening asr, evening maghrib and night isha.

Namaz / Salah timetable

Day Fajr Shuruk Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
13, Mon
14, Tue
15, Wed
16, Thu
17, Fri
18, Sat
19, Sun
Day Fajr Shuruk Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
01, Wed
02, Thu
03, Fri
04, Sat
05, Sun
06, Mon
07, Tue
08, Wed
09, Thu
10, Fri
11, Sat
12, Sun
13, Mon
14, Tue
15, Wed
16, Thu
17, Fri
18, Sat
19, Sun
20, Mon
21, Tue
22, Wed
23, Thu
24, Fri
25, Sat
26, Sun
27, Mon
28, Tue
29, Wed
30, Thu
31, Fri

When is the Islamic prayer times today in Failsworth?

The schedule of Muslim prayers is calculated by the canonical formulas, taking into account the position of the sun for geographic coordinates and the time zone of Failsworth. The time is calculated according to Hanafi mazhab, the method of the World Islamic League. You can change the settings and set the Shafiite mazhab and the desired method of calculation.

Timely performance of prayer (salah, salat, namaz) is the religious obligation of every Muslim. Muslims are obliged to perform namaz at the prescribed time and in the exact direction of the qibla.